
Monsey Trails New Square


Beginning of Route, Right on Jackson Avenue, left on Washington Avenue goes along Washington Avenue, leaves New Square.


Along Washington Avenue, Right on Jackson Avenue, left on Washington Avenue to end of Route.


FROM Monsey

Route 1

Stop 1: Starts on Viola Road corner Union Road 15 minutes prior to schedule time.
Stop 2: On 306 across Ohr Sameach.
Stop 3: On 306 corner Wiener Drive.
Stop 4: Picks up ON SCHEDULE time On Maple Ave in front of the nursing home.
Stop 5: On Monsey Blvd at the bus shelter.
Stop 6: On Monsey Blvd across West Central.
Stop 7: In front of Amazing Savings at the bus shelter.
Stop 8: Route 59 corner West Street.
Stop 9: Route 59 corner 45 in front of the Mobil gas station.

Route 1P

Stop 1: Starts on Viola Road corner Union Road 15 minutes prior to schedule time.
stop 2: On 306 across Ohr Sameach.
stop 3: On 306 corner Wiener Drive.
stop 4: Picks up ON SCHEDULE time On Maple Ave in front of the nursing home.
stop 5: On Monsey Blvd at the bus shelter.
stop 6: On Monsey Blvd across West Central.
stop 7: New Park and Ride
stop 8: In front of Amazing Savings at the bus shelter.
stop 9: Route 59 corner West Street.
stop 10: Route 59 corner 45 in front of the Mobil gas station.

Route 3

stop 1: Picks up ON SCHEDULE time On Maple Ave in front of the nursing home.
stop 2: On Monsey Blvd at the bus shelter.
stop 3: On Monsey Blvd across West Central.
stop 4: In front of Amazing Savings at the bus shelter.
stop 5: Route 59 corner West Street.
stop 6: Route 59 corner 45 in front of the Mobil gas station.

Route 3P

stop 1: Picks up ON SCHEDULE time On Maple Ave in front of the nursing home.
stop 2: On Monsey Blvd at the bus shelter.
stop 3: On Monsey Blvd across West Central.
stop 4: New Park and Ride
stop 5: In front of Amazing Savings at the bus shelter.
stop 6: Route 59 corner West Street.
stop 7: Route 59 corner 45 in front of the Mobil gas station.

Route 4

stop 1: Starts by Viola Rd. corner Union Rd. 15 min. prior to schedule time.
stop 2: On 306 corner Viola road across Ohr Sameach.
stop 3: On 306 corner Wiener Drive.
stop 4: On schedule time On Maple Ave in front of the nursing home.
stop 5: On Monsey Blvd at the bus shelter.
stop 6: On Monsey Blvd across West Central (bus shelter)
stop 7: (Evergreen) In front of amazing savings at the bus shelter.
stop 8: On Old Nyack Turnpike across South Madison (Chaya Sarah hall).
stop 9: Route 59 corner 45 in front of the Mobil gas station (Food Fare).

Forshay buses

We currently do not have any Forshay buses.

TO Monsey

Route 1 Drop off

stop 1: Route 59 corner Route 45.
stop 2: On Route 59 across Evergreen Supermarket.
stop 3: Monsey Blvd corner West Central.
stop 4: Monsey Blvd corner Maple Ave.
stop 5: Maple Ave corner Phillies Terrace.
stop 6: On route 306 corner Wiener Drive
stop 7: 306 corner Viola Road.
stop 8: Viola corner Union Road.
stop 9: New Square.

Route 1P Drop off

stop 1: Route 59 corner Route 45.
stop 2: On Route 59 across Evergreen Supermarket.
stop 3: New Park and Ride.
stop 4: Monsey Blvd corner West Central.
stop 5: Monsey Blvd corner Maple Ave.
stop 6: Maple Ave corner Phillies Terrace.
stop 7: On route 306 corner Wiener Drive
stop 8: 306 corner Viola Road.
stop 9: Viola corner Union Road.
stop 10: New Square.

Route 7P Drop off

stop 1: On Old Nyack Tpk. Corner S Madison (Chaya Sarah hall).
stop 2: On Route 59 across Evergreen Supermarket.
stop 3: New Park and Ride.
stop 4: Monsey Blvd corner West Central.
stop 5: Monsey Blvd corner Maple Ave.
stop 6: Maple Ave corner Phillies Terrace.
stop 7: On route 306 corner Wiener Drive
stop 8: 306 corner Viola Road.
stop 9: Viola corner Union Road.
stop 10: New Square.

Route 8 Drop off

1: On Maple Ave corner Route 45.
2: On Maple Ave corner Twin.
3: On Maple Ave corner Decatur.
4: On Monsey Blvd at the bus shelter.
5: On Monsey Blvd corner West Central.
6: Route 59 corner Robert Pitt.
7: Route 59 corner Augusta.
8: Route 59 corner Remsen Ave.
9: Grove street corner Saddle River.
10: On 306 corner Maple Ave.
11: On 306 corner Wiener Drive.
12: 306 corner Viola.
13: Viola corner Union.
14: New Square

Boro Park


Starts on 18th Avenue between 50th Street & 49th Street (4923 18 Ave), picks up along 49th Street at every avenue at the bus stop through 11th Avenue, leaves Boro Park.


Drops off along 50th Street at the bus stop From Fort Hamilton Parkway to 18th Ave.


FROM Williamsburg


On Bedford Avenue between Hewes and Hooper (613 Bedford Ave) and continues to Bedford Avenue between Wilson and Taylor.


Starts 10 minutes before schedule on Bedford Avenue corner Wallabout street, at schedule time on Bedford between Hewes and Hooper and continues to Bedford Ave. between Wilson and Taylor.

TO Williamsburg

Coming From Manhattan

The bus will go down Lee Avenue and turn right onto Wallabout Street.

Coming From the BQE

Drops off on Bedford Avenue at Hewes Street, and Bedford Avenue between Wilson and Taylor. If the schedule is marked with a "Q" the bus will drop off at Bedford and Wallabout Street, Bedford by Hewes Street and continue to Bedford Ave. between Wilson and Taylor.


FROM Manhattan


1: On 5th Ave corner 47th Street (576 5th Ave).
2: On 42nd corner 5th (front of Zara).
3: On 42nd corner 7th (new victory theater).
4: On 42nd corner 8th (across port authority)

TO Manhattan


Drops off on 5th Ave corner 47st, 45st, 42st, 23st.


This bus drops off in Manhattan at 34th St. and 9th Ave only then continues to Boro park

Wall Street


ON SCHEDULE at Trinity & Exchange Alley, goes along Church Ave. to Spring St. to 6th Avenue, makes a left onto 23rd Street. then leaves Manhattan.


9th Avenue & 34th Street then to 26th street, goes along 5th Avenue to Broadway to Wall Street.



Picks up on 34Th street and 9Th Ave


Drops off on 9Th Ave and 34Th street

KJ Express Kiryas Yoel

FROM Kiryas Yoel

Route 1

1: At schedule time - at the Bais Medrash.
2: Forest corner Gorlitz.
3: Acers corner Krolla.
4: Acers corner Israel Zupnik.
5: I Zupnik corner bakertown
6: Park and Ride.

Route 2

1: 10 minutes before schedule - at the Bais Hachaim.
2: Schunnemunk corner Seven Springs.
3: Quickway corner Van Buren.
4: At schedule time - at the Bais Medrash.
5: Forest corner Gorlitz.
6: Acers corner Krolla.
7: Acers corner Israel Zupnik.
8: I Zupnik corner bakertown
9: Park and Ride.

TO Kiryas Yoel

Drop off

Drops off on Bakertown Rd. front of Park and Ride, left on Israel Zupnik, left on acres left on forest, right on schunnemunk Rd, right on quickway left on van buren, right on Garfield.


FROM Monsey

Route 3

1: At scheduled time - On Maple Avenue in front of the nursing home.
2: On Monsey Blvd at the bus shelter.
3: On Monsey Blvd across West Central (bus shelter).
4: On Melnick corner Robert Pitt
5: Robert Pitt corner Route 59 side of Monsey Hub.
6: Route 59 in front of Frankel’s Shoes.
7: Route 59 corner Saddle River.
8: Route 59 corner Augusta.
9: Route 59 corner Bates (Monsey Glatt).
10: Route 59 corner College Rd.
11: Route 59 corner N Airmont

Route 4

1: 10 minutes before schedule time - On Viola Road corner Union Road.
2: On 306 across Ohr Sameach (corner Viola Road).
3: On 306 corner Wiener Drive.
4: At scheduled time - On Maple Avenue in front of the nursing home.
5: On Monsey Blvd at the bus shelter.
6: On Monsey Blvd across West Central (bus shelter).
7: On Melnick corner Robert Pitt
8: Robert Pitt corner Route 59 side of Monsey Hub.
9: Route 59 in front of Frankel’s Shoes.
10: Route 59 corner Saddle River.
11: Route 59 corner Augusta.
12: Route 59 corner Bates (Monsey Glatt).
13: Route 59 corner College Rd.
14: Route 59 corner N Airmont

TO Monsey

Drop off Route 5

The bus is going down Route 59 from Airmont Rd till robert pitt, left on robert pitt, to monsey blvd, left on Maple Ave, Right on Rt. 306, down to Viola Rd. turns right onto Viola.

Drop off Route 6

The bus is going down Route 59 from Airmont Rd till robert pitt, left on robert pitt, to monsey blvd, Right on Maple Ave., left on Route 45.

Lakewood Express Lakewood (Westgate)

FROM Lakewood (Westgate)

Route 2

1. Westgate Shopping center in front of Kosher west sign
2. Miller Rd corner New central Ave
3. 14th at corner Case
4. On Forest Ave corner 9th Street
5. On Kennedy corner Squankum

Route 4

1. Westgate Shopping center in front of Kosher west sign
2. Cross Street corner Granite drive (satmer)
3. On River Ave in front of Evergreen
4. Madison Ave corner 9th street
5.Squankum corner Kennedy

TO Lakewood (Westgate)

Drop Off

1. Squankum Corner Kennedy
2. Clifton Ave corner 10th Street
3. Forest Ave corner 9th Street
4. 14th at corner Case
5. Miller Rd corner New central Ave
6. Westgate Shopping center in front of Kosher west sign

Drop off route 4

1. Squankum corner Kennedy
2. Madison Ave corner 9th street
3. On River Ave in front of Kimball Hospital
4. On River Ave across Evergreen
5. Cross Street corner Granite drive (satmar)
6. Westgate Shopping center in front of Kosher west sign

Lakewood (Sq. Kennedy)

FROM Lakewood (Sq. Kennedy)

Picks up at Squankum and Kennedy, ON Kennedy across Astor.



On Coney Island and Ave. N, and on Conery Island corner Ave. J


At Coney Island and Ave. J, & at Coney Island corner Ave. N

Boro Park


On 49th St. by 18th Ave. goes along 49th St. until 11th Ave.


Along 50th St. from Ft. Hamilton to 18th Ave.